Short, fat and hairy; that's the Ungugamea. Their habits are pretty awful. They hardly ever wash; they scratch their genitals while eating; they spit all over their houses. Actually, all this is perfectly normal Ungugamea behaviour. If you were ever invited to dinner and you didn't follow suit, it would be an insult for which you could forfeit your life. The Ungugamea are sticklers for protocol. The host will be the first to spit, and the other diners follow in a hierarchy of spitting (and rolling around in it afterwards). Despite all their seemingly disgusting activities, the Ungugamea are actually viewed by other races as indispensible to galactic harmony as the guardians of the Fifth Pan-galactic Interplanetary Treaty on Intellectual Property Rights. As for their laughs, they laugh at almost anything, with full-throated (all three of them) abandon. Scary-sounding, but actually quite convivial. Click on the picture above to listen. And remember; if you ever have a dispute about who owns the rights to your work of art, they'll be happy to help, but remember to spit on their hand first (always the second left).

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kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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