Drapiomigga are like mice. They run around at 100 miles an hour - literally. They have a very short attention span and eat anything they find. Because of this short attention span, they may think you're a friend one moment, and food the next. They are the galaxy's collectors of useless information and artefacts for their Museum of Interesting Objects (their highest form of culture), like the Fenusikkollo Toenail Clipper (the Fenusikkollo don't have toes), Longotraahiigugu Shelf Ornaments (the Longotraahiigugu don't use shelves), and Earth Hangover Cures (work it out). Indeed, if they forget why they invite you you might well end up in their museum, generally agreed to be a fate worse than death. As for their laugh, it's incredibly monotonous and can go off at any moment. After they start, they usually quickly forget why they're laughing, and just carry on anyway. Click on the picture above to listen. And don't forget - there are plenty of other laughs to go for.

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kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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