Now, what can we say about the Tugtug? These guys are the real fun-lovers of the galaxy. The never work and spend all their time playing tricks on each other, like tripping each other up (easy as they've only got one leg) and telling terrible jokes, such as "Why did the Zoobi sniff the back of its head?" "Because the Taaponixuu ran away with the front of its head." As they each have two heads, one head tells jokes to the other, though they always know the punchline as their two brains are totally mutually self-aware. Then they tell the jokes to each other. They're also stand-up comedians, or fall-down comedians in their case, and regularly scoop all the prizes at the annual Pan-galactic Stand-up Championships, though last year the winner was eaten by the Fengobiga representative in a fit of pique. Totally harmless and thoroughly enjoyable company, they never grow up. Click on the picture above to listen. And remember, if you're at a club one night and one of the stand-ups keeps falling over, the chances are one leg is false and its a Tugtug, although to tell the truth, the three-foot long antennae will probably give him away in the first place.

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kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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