If you were ever going to run into some aliens on a dark night driving in the hills, of all the races from all the planets in the whole vast expanse of the universe, the Kadak are just the type you don't want to meet. Think of the hordes of Genghis Khan combined with the massed ranks of Atilla the Hun, all armed to the teeth (one hundred and twenty-five of them, in each head) with tenth generation ultra-solar powered mega-beam blasters, and you've got a good idea of what they're like. And that's just their new-borns. They usually laugh when they've finished a good day's destruction of a planet or two as they sweep on their merry way through the universe. Our researcher barely got away with his life in getting this laugh from the equivalent of a one-year-old female in a kindergarten (anything older would be to horrific to put on the site). And if you're worried about the Earth being the next in line, don't be. They have a code of honour which states that planets have to have reached level 10 in their civilisation development scale, when it becomes fun to destroy them. We've just reached 2, so we've got a long way to go, though that doesn't stop them from picking up the odd human or two and dismembering them over dinner, or even for dinner. Click on the picture above to listen. And remember; if a Kadak ship picks you up, act dead, and they might just throw you out of the spaceship close enough to the ground to survive. Happy landings!

chintribbi drapiomigga fengobiga gandombrisleeg het hukkahukka ikrikootin jemhreeb
kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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