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These strange creatures, the Simpombo, laugh in competitions. In fact, they're the only beings who live to laugh. They're totally serious most of the time because of their jobs, but when they're not tax-collecting in the Seelimontoppiuouohha quadrant of the galaxy, or regulating traffic through the Spontaluanniotrrbuhu Wormhole, they regularly shuttle between the eight planets of their federation to hold laughing championships. The Laugh Master tells a joke, and they all laugh together in competition, with a panel of judges awarding scores much as we would for ice-skating or diving. Disputes are judged independently by the Zoobi, who they are related to, but on more than one occasion civil wars have been fought, though no one has actually been killed since they're all asomatic, incorporeal, immortal, nebulous entities anyway. Click on the picture above to listen. And if you ever run into one, which is exactly what you can do - run into them, it's a rather pleasant and soothing experience, and you'll probably never want to go home again. We're still waiting for our researcher to come back.
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