Nasty race, the Fengobiga. They'll kill you as soon as look at you, they're so cruel and evil. They're the most militaristic of all the aliens in the galaxy. They even laugh in military unison - the commander leads, the others follow and finally a chosen champion laugher closes. They laugh mainly when they're about to eat, like a pre-meal ritual, and often repeat the laugh during and after the meal. They love having humans over for dinner, not as guests, mind you. As shape shifters, they can appear as their prey, so the person looking at you on the train might just be a Fengobiga sizing you up for lunch. As such it's difficult to say what they actually look like, but survivors (very few, including our researcher) say they look rather like two-metre tall scaly dinosaurs with three eyes, four talons and huge teeth. Click on the picture above to listen. And keep an eye on your fellow passengers.

chintribbi drapiomigga fengobiga gandombrisleeg het hukkahukka ikrikootin jemhreeb
kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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